UNICEF acknowledges that the state of children’s rights is still dire and needs continuous work.

The Escola Da Vida Project is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping children ages 4 to 14 develop a healthy and balanced environment by engaging in after-school and extracurricular activities. The program brings together activities in art, music, and sports connecting children to a sense of balance in developing and growing in an amazing and socially adaptive atmosphere.
The project was founded in 2006 and currently serves 100 children in Uberlandia, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The organization offers a balanced environment and serves children and at-risk youths, families, and their surrounding communities with a purpose to restore integrity and well-being, providing opportunities for integral growth (academic, moral, physical, and spiritual).
We are excited to share our most recent partnership with the Rotary Club on this purposeful project in Brazil. This Rotary Basic Education and Learning program will provide training and equipment for special needs persons. This project is a testimony to the global impact we can make when we work together!
Equipment has been ordered, curriculum is being finalized, and classes are anticipated to start in June 2023. The Pelotas Rotary club is seeing considerable success, and we are delighted for the recognition the club is receiving for this excellent work. In addition to the training & education program, the service center building is coming along quickly!

In February 2021, Daniel Durante introduced the Escola Da Vida project to Newton Myvett, President of All For One. Myvett, who served as the president of a creative college, was thrilled with the idea of providing children a growing opportunity to express themselves creatively. Daniel Durante, Sr. Professor at Escola Da Vida Project, said creating these opportunities for children can change the destiny of their future.
The project and philosophy align with All For One’s mission and purpose of helping to improve the quality of life for children in a stable environment by focusing on building a strong and sustainable community. All For One embraced the efforts to help children in another region of the world and supports the efforts to help end childhood poverty, improve the quality of life, and empower children to express themselves through the arts and sports in another global community.
- The current population of Brazil is about 213,563,946 (worldometers.info), equivalent to 2.63% of the world’s population and number six in the world in population.
- Each day, 30,000 children die of poverty—in 2011, Humanium noted that poverty kills about one child in every three seconds in Brazil. Children are primary victims of poverty due to extreme family poverty, and the consequences of poverty result in lack of educational opportunities, medical care, and basic needs such as water and food.
- UNICEF acknowledges that the state of children’s rights is still dire (unicef.org) and needs continuous work.
- The average 15-year-old child is employed in Brazil, of which 25% to 30% work in agricultural areas and as fishermen, and about 400,000 girls are employed as domestic workers.
- About 3.2 million children are orphans living on the streets and exposed to violence, child trafficking, hard labor, and sexual exploitation in Brazil.
How can you help the LaFond School?
LaFond School is a thriving, exciting place for learning. Adults in the community also have the opportunity to learn about health, agriculture, English, and literacy. We are thankful for its many supporters. In the future, the Meances hope to see LaFond School grow into a model of sustainable development and education in rural areas.
The new developments are very exciting for the school and its surrounding community. LaFond School families feel an incredible sense of pride in the school and are thrilled at the opportunities it provides to their students. However, the school still has a long way to go. LaFond School currently relies heavily on personal donations to pay their teachers, buy supplies, and fund student scholarships.
For more information and to discuss the many ways you can be involved with LaFond School, contact us.
Thank you for your interest in supporting LaFond School.
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Such as the the reconstruction of a LaFond School family’s house.
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English or other skills to the children of LaFond.
Volunteers are the backbone of All For One and are instrumental to our success.