The AFO Passport Program connects teachers and students around the world through an authentic learning experience.
The Passport Program is a curriculum based program designed to take your classroom to the next level. We connect teachers, nationally and internationally, to increase student engagements in authentic learning experiences.
With a variety of projects spanning multiple subjects, the Passport Program is here to help connect you with other educators who have like needs. We also have community service based projects that will help build empathy and allow students to meet the people that benefit from their efforts.

In the Community Highlight

Webb Bridge Middle School's Sponsor A Student Who Serves
The Webb Bridge MS 7th Grade Character Council from Alpharetta, GA is a group of service-learning leaders dedicated to making “a positive impact on tomorrow’s world.”
This year, the Character Council has partnered with Water is Basic and Autrey Mill MS to help raise $20,000 to repair 20 wells in the Warrap State, South Sudan. They visited Creekview Elementary and read I Dream of Water to over 300 students; they organized grassroots fundraising in and out of school; and they hosted the 3rd Annual Walk for Water and Village Market with over 250 attendees.
Download and read the biographies of these student leaders and consider donating directly to their fundraiser.
You can add a note on your donation indicating which student your donation sponsors. All proceeds will go directly to the women-led well repair initiative in South Sudan.
Our team is committed to providing experiences around your classroom needs. While the possibilities are endless, our past projects enhanced student learning in the areas of:
- Persuasive writing
- Informational writing
- Adding/subtracting/multiplying/dividing decimals
- Speaking and listening
- Constructive and deconstructive forces
- Habitats
- Narrative writing
- Foreign language support
Service Projects Include:
- School Supply Drives
- Monetary Fundraisers
- Winter Supply Drives
We continue to build communities through mentorship and other social emotional learning programs.

The Passport Program is a global learning environment that builds community by connecting students to engage with one another through various means. It allows students to interact with their academic content in authentic settings. Our program started in November of 2022 in Atlanta, Georgia by facilitating the connection between Midway Elementary School students and the children from a CEPIA program in Costa Rica. This connection evolved into projects tying to the writing, speaking and listening, social emotional, math,
and science standards.
Since then, we have continued to partner with schools to connect students through various project based learning opportunities.