With a population of almost 129 million, Mexico is the tenth most populated country in the world.
Our focus in this country is to help the over 1 million orphans who have been abandoned or lost their parents due to sickness, drugs, or violence.

We are partnering with Hogar Del Niño Desprotegido (Home of the Unprotected Children) San Isidro AC in Jalisoc, Mexico. In the1990s, Priest Isidro Ramírez Castellón offered a home to children who do not have a family to take care of them. Father Ramírez's first action was to donate the land for the construction of the house. The Home of the Unprotected Child San Isidro AC carries out its work thanks to the support of generous people who continue to be attentive to the needs of the children.
Hogar Del Niño Desprotegido (Home of the Unprotected Children) San Isidro AC:
Help Us Grow
Helping Hogar Del Niño Desprotegido (Home of the Unprotected Children) San Isidro AC expand their facilities means impacting the lives of more children who need our support.