As reported by CARE, one third of the children in Mali are not in school, due to family responsibilities and lack of resources. The poorest of young people do not get the opportunity to attend school due to family responsibilities.
In addition, there are 179,000 out-of-school and at-risk girls in Mali. The program aims to bring as many CARE outreaches to as many of the at-risk girls as possible in Mali’s Segou region with the accelerated learning program. All For One supports the SOAR active outreach in Mali in reaching as many of the 179,000 at-risk girls as possible. With the proven success of the SOAR program, and through AFO’s advocacy and earnest endeavors, we can improve education and increase our outreach to the millions of children in need around the world.

St. Barnabas Orthodox Mission Orphanage and School
Uganda 2018